Trans-Saharan Fiber Optic Backbone nears completion

06 February 2025

The work on the Trans-Saharan Fiber Optic Backbone (DTS) in Niger has reached an execution rate of 97%, according to the Minister of Communication, Posts and Digital Economy, Sidi Mohamed Raliou. This made it possible to assess the progress made and plan the next steps, particularly the finalization of the national data centre.

“This project will be a real opportunity for digital transformation for our country and fits perfectly with the vision of the highest authorities of the country, first and foremost the Head of State, Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani, will provide Niger with a high-speed fibre optic infrastructure and a national Tier 3 data centre to resolve the thorny problem of hosting local data,” said Mohamed Raliou.

The project is expected to be delivered next September. Launched in October 2017 for a period of four years, it benefits from financing of 30.8 billion FCFA from the African Development Bank (AfDB), intended to cover the costs of its implementation. The main objective is the deployment of 1,031km of optical fibre, covering several axes and sections of the country, and promoting interconnection with neighbouring nations.