Zambia’s telcos struggle to keep the lights on

12 July 2024

MTN, Airtel and Zamtel are facing challenges in keeping their telecommunications towers operational in Zambia due to the prolonged power outages currently affecting the country.

The operators issued a joint statement under the auspices of the Global Mobile Systems Association of Zambia (GSMAZ). According to the statement, power outages lasting more than four hours compromise the quality of services provided to customers. At this level, generators require constant refuelling and more frequent maintenance cycles. This implies significant costs not only for fuel and generator maintenance, but also for fuel delivery logistics.

Zambia is experiencing the worst effects of climate change in its 60 years of independence. The country is experiencing daily power cuts lasting 13-14 hours.

GSMAZ members are working closely with tower providers, regulators and other stakeholders to find sustainable solutions to the crisis. Among the measures being considered in the medium to long term is the deployment of solar-based backup solutions.