Telecom Namibia to modernise with ZTE and Huafull

28 June 2024

Telecom Namibia (TN) has announced a partnership agreement with a joint venture formed by ZTE and Huafull. The three-year collaboration will focus on modernising and expanding the telecom operator's infrastructure coverage.

“Under the terms of the agreement, Telecom Namibia will purchase state-of-the-art mobile radio access equipment from the joint venture ZTE Corporation and Huafull International Limited to strengthen the capacity and coverage of its mobile network throughout the country, including in previously underserved areas. This partnership will facilitate the deployment of advanced mobile radio access technologies such as 4G, 4.5G and 5G,” said Telecom Namibia in a statement.

Investments in network coverage and quality are expected to enable Telecom Namibia to improve the quality of its services and reach thousands more people.