06 April 2020
Philadelphia-metro’s Glen Mills School has yet to receive its first patients during the Covid-19 crisis, but those working and recuperating at the site will have an essential service to assist in care thanks to the high-speed network access made available by Pennsylvania's Rajant Corporation and state senator Tom Killion.
“Robust data service is critical to providing timely and effective care,” said Tim Boyce, director of emergency services for Delaware County, which has responsibility for coordinating the build-out of the 85,000 square foot facility. “Rajant’s contribution of its Kinetic Mesh solution and its installation ensures the nurses, doctors, and techs who will be treating patients will be able to use the technology to which they’ve become accustomed to deliver care.”
According to Rajant CEO, Robert Schena: “Deployed at the Glen Mills School is a six BreadCrumb node network, which ties into the in-house Internet and boosts connection for 911 dispatch. The networking needs of these pop-up healthcare facilities require speed and flexibility. Rajant maximizes that flexibility and allows for the growth of critical medical applications as required. We are honored to work with such great servants to our community.”
Schena valued the donation of equipment and labor at $40,000. He credited senator Tom Killion with coordinating and expediting the donation and installation.