Eseye partners with AmericanPharma for IoT system-as-a-service for cold chain applications

05 May 2023

Eseye has announced a partnership with AmericanPharma Technologies to improve the reliability and resilience of AmericanPharma’s PharmaWatch system and help drive its international expansion.

PharmaWatch, an IoT-based system-as-a-service software (SaaS) solution, helps customers maintain safe, regulatory-compliant standards for the storage of human tissue, vaccines, and medicine by monitoring critical parameters such as temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration, and differential pressure. The system provides real-time notifications, compliance reporting, and business intelligence through a website and mobile app, ensuring organisations are prepared for regulatory audits and improving their operations. However, during early deployments AmericanPharma found that relying on its customers’ WiFi networks created risk of connectivity issues and data loss.

Seeking to address these challenges, AmericanPharma developed a first-generation cellular system, which resolved some WiFi issues, but was limited to just one US network. This caused an increase in time spent fixing issues. By installing Eseye’s multi-network AnyNet+ eSIMs into its devices, AmericanPharma was able to guarantee reliable cellular connectivity in early device deployments.

Since working with Eseye, AmericanPharma has recorded a staggering 87.5% improvement in connectivity performance. PharmaWatch device estates now operate with 99.6% connectivity – a mission-critical requirement to ensure medicines, human tissues, and embryos are stored and preserved at a low, stable temperature.

Eseye’s AnyNet SMARTconnect intelligent connectivity optimisation software embeds intelligent, global IoT connectivity directly into any device to provide dynamic optimisation of the connection, enabling organisations to get to market faster and focus on creating value for their customers. AnyNet SMARTconnect boosts resilience, enabling devices to remain connected and optimised as connectivity requirements and technologies evolve over time. This guarantees operation over cellular networks at a high level and unlocks connectivity opportunities to support deployments beyond the US.

This proved extremely valuable during the Rogers Communication network outage in July 2022. While wireless connectivity remained active, the end-to-end data path was down. As a result, most IoT devices across a large area of Canada were offline for a full 19 hours. For PharmaWatch, all devices that had Eseye’s AnyNet SMARTconnect and AnyNet+ eSIM embedded were able to recover connectivity within 30-90 minutes, by redirecting traffic over the TELUS network. This resulted in minimum service downtime and disruption for customers: for example, allowing Canadian IVF clinics to ensure embryos were kept safe and protected throughout.

“Eseye’s solution has made our PharmaWatch system orders of magnitude more reliable than WiFi or our previous cellular-based solution,” said Casey Harris, chief technology officer at PharmaWatch. “We’re in the 99.6% connectivity uptime range right now. It’s as good or better than what we expected; and it’s getting better every day. It’s now easier to sell, install, support, and scale up. We offer the most reliable monitoring solution for our market, which requires resilient connectivity. Eseye was a perfect match for our values and aligned with our aim to deliver mission critical service levels to customers.”

“AmericanPharma has witnessed the revolutionary impact of AnyNet SMARTconnect™ on global IoT deployments first hand. We strongly believe the device is critical to optimise connectivity and our global IoT connectivity switching intelligence and logic has already proven its value by safeguarding PharmaWatch devices from a major network outage,” said Nick Earle, CEO of Eseye. “Our partnership is a great fit because we offer flexible connectivity in regions such as North and Latin America where roaming restrictions must be adhered to, and localisation is essential. These changing environments not only affect near-term deployments but require flexibility and resilience throughout each project’s lifetime. As AmericanPharma expands into new global markets it is a pleasure to partner with the company to deliver a simplified, scalable IoT connectivity solution that consistently delivers on its reliability promise.”