Namibia Post and Telecom Holdings dismantling underway

07 January 2025

Namibia Post and Telecom Holdings (NPTH) has announced that its dismantling is expected to be completed by the end of January. This process will allow the two state-owned companies incorporated within it, Telecom Namibia and NamPost, to operate independently while remaining under the direct control of the State.

The process of transferring the properties is in an advanced stage, and the transfer of shares to the government should be completed by the end of February. 11 of the 23 NPTH employees will be transferred to NamPost and Telecom Namibia from 2 January, while discussions are underway to reassign the remaining 12.

The move follows the passage of the Namibia Postal and Telecommunications Corporations (Establishment) Amendment Act 2020, which came into force on 19 August 2020 to formalise the dismantling of NPTH. Despite strong financial performance, with a turnover of N$5.3 billion (approximately $283 million) and a consolidated net profit of N$1 billion for the 2022/2023 financial year, the company has been directed to cease operations.