Algeria prepares for digital transformation

05 August 2024

According to Meriem Benmouloud, high commissioner for digitalisation, this strategy aims to transform traditional paper-based management into digital management, to establish transparency, to fight against bureaucracy, to guarantee equitable access to information and to improve the performance of economic enterprises while ensuring the quality of services.

The strategy responds to current socioeconomic and cultural requirements and is based on two essential pillars: a law on digitalisation currently being developed and information and cyber security. The law on digitalisation will provide a framework and regulation for the digital domain, removing administrative obstacles and remedying technological gaps. Information and cybersecurity will be strengthened through collaboration with the Ministry of National Defense.

The first results were felt in the latest report of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) published in December 2023. Algeria recorded a significant advance in the ICT Development Index (IDI), moving from 102nd to 88th position among the 169 ITU member countries, a jump of 14 places.

The final version of this new strategy was submitted to the presidency in June for approval, and should go a long way in bringing Algeria in line with world-leading countries.