NIGCOMSAT revolutionises customer engagement

03 July 2024

An AI-focused partnership between Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited (NIGCOMSAT) and Vault Hill has culminated in the successful development of Vault Hill’s AI business companion Hillda, which has been adapted to the brand persona of NIGCOMSAT as ‘Ayesha,’ an AI companion customised for NIGCOMSAT, revolutionising customer engagement and service delivery.

Aligning with the Nigerian Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy’s strategic agenda to create 50,000 AI jobs by 2030 and train three million technical talents, this initiative is described as a transformative step in shaping a future where technology is the cornerstone of growth, inclusion and empowerment.

Vault Hill developed Ayesha with the integration of its proprietary AI technology and immersive capabilities. Now, it claims, Ayesha is set to transform NIGCOMSAT’s customer interactions. As an advanced AI companion, Ayesha provides an immersive avatar chatbot interface, offering 24/7 customer support. This initiative is described as a step forward in integrating AI into NIGCOMSAT’s operations to enhance service delivery and contribute to the national agenda of technological progress and job creation in the AI sector.

“We envision a future where our AI-driven solutions enhance customer experiences and contribute significantly to job creation and technical talent development in Nigeria and beyond,” said Jimi Daodu, CEO of Vault Hill.