Ghana goes net neutral for 4G

03 August 2023

The Ghana National Communications Authority (NCA) is introducing technology neutrality on 4G for telecom operators without significant market power. The initiative should help correct market imbalances and give consumers more choice.

This initiative will allow Vodafone and AT (formerly AirtelTigo) to obtain authorization to reallocate their frequencies in the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz bands to provide 4G services, subject to the payment of an annual premium.

The initiative is part of the NCA’s mission to ensure an environment that encourages competition, investment, and technological progress for the benefit of all stakeholders.

In June 2020, the NCA classified MTN as a dominant operator and implemented measures to limit the hold of the telecom operator on the market. These included asymmetric interconnection tariffs, national roaming agreements allowing MTN’s rivals to use its network in specific regions, and the restriction of MTN’s use of on-net/off-net pricing.

This initiative should strengthen competition in the Ghanaian telecom market, which is still dominated by MTN.