Joint Egyptian/Chinese satellite venture to launch by the end of next year

11 July 2023

The Chinese built satellite EgyptSat 2 (MisrSat-2) and Egyptian NExSat-1 will launch from China in October and November/December respectively.

MisrSat-2, developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, is an Earth observation satellite. NExSat-1 is a remote sensing and research satellite assembled and tested in the Egyptian Space Agency’s Assembly, Integration and Testing centre (AITC) in collaboration with Berlin Space Technologies (TSB).

Both satellites are included in Egypt’s 10 year development plan, which launched in March 2020 and also aims for capacity building, development of space missions, modernization of facilities for industry growth, and the development of both international cooperation and a legal basis.

Through this programme, Egypt is following a trend of resurging African investment into space programmes as Space in Africa highlights; from 1998 to 2023, US$4.71 billion has been invested in the construction and launching of African satellites. Investment into space programmes has also increased by US$11.7 million from 2021 to 2022.