Building a smarter campus

12 October 2023

The Central University of Technology (CUT), a leading higher education institution based in South Africa’s Free State province, has successfully rolled out phase one of its three-year network and WiFi infrastructure upgrade, an important step in the university’s digital transformation journey.

“The driving force behind this infrastructure upgrade is our digital transformation strategy, with the aim of improving our connectivity efficiencies and speed, and our use of 4IR technologies,” said Busi Matube, CUT’s ICT director and chief digital officer. “This will allow us to better leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) for other projects we have in place, such as smart buildings, smart bins, a virtual reality environment for our engineering students, and more, located in different areas.”

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Aiding agritech with the cloud

16 December 2022

AFGRI Technology Services (ATS), part of AFGRI Group Holdings, is a leading agricultural services company with core competencies to enhance, support and guide the growth of agricultural enterprise. The enterprise works toward the development and implementation of agricultural technology solutions which will help ensure both the future of agriculture and enable food security for Africa and the world at large.

AFGRI offers innovation growth and advisory services, innovation consulting, project management, and management services, in order to develop and build client capabilities within the agritech sector. With such a heavy reliance on communications, and indeed, for an organisation offering its own digital products and services and mobile apps, AFGRI was hindered with a poorly organised telephone system, for both mobile and fixed calls.

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